Improve Your Space With High-Impact Home Resolutions

According to Good Housekeeping, three of the year’s most achievable resolutions include reading more books, eating more veggies and drinking less alcohol. If you’re like many Austinites, you have a similar list of self-care priorities for 2020—but you may have neglected home-related tasks. Sure, house maintenance sounds snoozy, but routine upkeep pays big dividends. This year, resolve to prioritize safety, shrink utility bills and minimize home emergencies by planning for things like tune-ups and heating repairs in Round Rock, TX.

Home Care Resolutions for Austin Residents

An organized and updated house will serve you well in the year to come, and it’s more likely to sell when you’re ready to move. Projects like these make great additions to any 2020 to-do list.

Freshen your space. After boxing the ornaments and putting away the lights, get ready to restore sanity to your messy house. A few tips:

  • Start by cleaning mirrors, windows and ceiling fans.
  • Remove expired food and old holiday leftovers from the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Vacuum carpets and remove pet stains and other accidents from flooring and upholstery. For a cheap and eco-friendly cleaner, check out these DIY solutions.
  • Finally, don’t forget to deep-clean the bathrooms and restock toilet paper and other items that were depleted during guest stays.  

Prioritize projects and map out a year of home improvements. It’s easier and more cost-effective to update your home one month at a time rather than letting projects accumulate. Set up a home maintenance fund separate from other checking and savings accounts. Even new houses aren’t immune to storm damage and other unforeseen disasters, so most experts recommend saving around 1 percent of your home’s value for annual maintenance and updates.

Schedule seasonal HVAC maintenance. Equipment tune-ups and heating repair services in Cedar Park, TX contribute to your family’s year-round comfort. Cool Experts provides carbon monoxide checks, gas leak testing and other services with our $59 heating safety inspection. Call 512.588.1452 to learn more.

Get estimates for outdoor projects. With spring on the horizon, it’s wise to plan for yard and outdoor living updates. Affordable projects like painting or replacing entry and garage doors, trimming trees or adding new light fixtures can boost home value and curb appeal. Rebuilding rickety decks or installing a pool can elevate outdoor entertaining while delivering a healthy return on investment.

Cool Experts’ Air Quality Assessments Bring Peace of Mind

One of the most important home resolutions you can make is cleaning up indoor air. At Cool Experts, we offer more than heating repair in Round Rock, TX. From ultraviolet germicidal light disinfection to HEPA filtration, we’re indoor air quality specialists focused on your health. Ask our NATE-certified technicians about IAQ services that remove mold, pollen and other allergens from your environment. Call 512-588-1452 to request an air quality audit or schedule heating repair services in Cedar Park, TX and beyond.